Therapy for Couples


I don’t know what happened.

I have no idea how we got here.

I’m unsure if this is the normal course of a relationship over time.

I feel like we’re moving further and further apart.

I question whether we’re still best friends.

I feel like we’ve lost our sense of connection.

I feel lonelier with my partner than when I’m alone.

I don’t know when it happened, but sex and intimacy are no more.

Would you like the bad news or the good news?

Well, they’re both the same… as is the problem AND the solution: COMMUNICATION.

I have a question for you. Indulge me here: How do you unroll toilet paper? Over the top or from the bottom? Which way is the “right” way?

The truth is that there is no “right” or “wrong” way… just the way we experienced it growing up (likely the way our family did it). It’s a simple thing, really, yet we find so many reasons to disagree on and fight about small issues just like this.

You CAN always be right, but you will most likely be alone… and you certainly won’t be communicating – and by that, I mean getting to the issue that is really bothering both of you within your relationship.

Would you really want to go out with someone exactly like you?

With someone who agrees with everything, you say or do? Could you imagine it? Hmmm… it might be nice sometimes, but it’s those differences that we find so interesting!

Most of the time, what attracts us in the first place are those very differences. Whether we’re aware of it or not, it’s usually those things that are missing in us.

The odd thing about relationships is that we are soon disappointed over those same things when they change (or don’t change) once we are together.

I can help you break the cycle.

Are you fighting over the little things?

Are these fights helping you avoid and never get you to what’s really bothering you?

Has it become a vicious circle that continues to repeat itself throughout your relationship?

That vicious circle ends in a very lonely place. Maybe you’re already there. But don’t worry: I can help you break the cycle by communicating better.

I hear both sides, and it is amazing how many times couples love and respect each other and really want to make the other person happy… but they just aren’t communicating that feeling.

You’ll be able to talk to each other without falling into that trap – to say what you need and resolve issues on your own.

You will see that the other person is human… with faults and insecurities… but also with strengths and love. I will help you rediscover that in each other. It’s as simple as that.

It’s all about helping you both translate your language so that your partner understands it.

It’s not settling when you are working together… it’s a compromise!

Let’s get you both talking and back in love!

So stop thinking about it and do something! Let’s start with a small, easy step. Pick up your phone and call me now.

You don’t even have to go look up the number. Just find a comfortable spot, and dial (512) 983-1550.

Next, I’ll offer you a 20-minute free chat to see what’s up and where you are – from there, we can schedule a session.

And then we start getting you guys back together. It’s as easy as that. Talk to you in 5…